What nourishes your spirit?
Where are you on your Journey?
Who is guiding you?
As a spiritual nomad, I longed for a sense of home, community, and stable ground. I anchored myself in spiritual & physical practices such as meditation, prayer, contemplative inquiries, creative writing, and spiritual guidance. These offered me multiple entry points into my own spiritual journey.
I would be honored to help guide you on your journey as you explore what anchors and moves your spirit.
How is your spiritual wellbeing?
Journey with me to explore contemplative practices and engagement with sacred texts for hope, meaning-making and spiritual flourishing.
What are the moments in your life that you want to intentionally mark or celebrate?
Together, we will draw on the ancient wisdom of your spiritual and cultural traditions to develop lifecycle rituals that are uniquely your own.
What are your professional gifts?
I believe that context-specific entrepreneurial models and a customized approach to each individual are key to effective consulting.
How can you mediate across faith, culture, ethnicity and political divides?
As a dialogue facilitator I offer to utilize inquisitive non-judgment, mindfulness, empathetic reflection, artistic expression, and Non-Violent Communication. With my guidance, participants will acknowledge and appreciate their own identities while honoring the lived experience of the other.
How can we invoke wonder into your learning?
Inspired by Buber's I-Thou theory, I strongly believe in one-on-one learning as a building block for sharing humanity between people.
How can we sink into our body and explore the light we carry within us through breath and vocal exercises, dance and meditation? MoveMeant was founded in 2017 to explore the intersection between movement, sacred texts, and live music.